Does Your Generation Influence Your Content Writing?

No one gets to choose when they are born, but can a generation's language influence another? Although there may be influences, individuals must decide what words reflect their values and social relationships.

Certain words have changed their meaning, and each generation has lingo that may be different than another generation. For example, a friend of mine celebrated a birthday years ago, and as she was expressing the adventures of her day, her younger brother said, "lol!" In her oblivion, she asked, "what does that mean"? He laughs and says it means laugh out loud. An interesting expression, right? I am sure you can think of other words that are understood by a generation in their era.

Some English speakers believe that language today is loose compared to previous generations where chivalrous expressions were more common. They believe this era uses brevity for effect and disregards the respect for individuals.

 Scholars say, we need to understand the history and origin of language, because some words have a positive meaning where historically they were unfavourable. Having the knowledge of semantics gives us the freedom to make responsible choices in our verbiage. 

 When we examine our family histories, our parents probably spoke differently than our grandparents, and we speak differently than our parents. What caused the changes in language in the first place? Perhaps, it was external factors outside the home competing with the home values. For today, social media may be another factor, plus the impact of globalization. Even with these influences, language is still a personal choice.

 Can generations enjoy meaningful conversations without a generational gap? I believe yes. While we have our differences there is also a bond. We can learn from each other, share a healthy laugh, and have mutual respect and understanding. 

Please share in the comments. How has language changed for you?


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